The Best Wash 'N Go Combination

Black woman using iPhone 11 Pro to take photo in mirror with curly hair and red lipstick on

The internet is filled with hundreds of videos and articles telling you what products to use for the perfect wash n go. However, perfection is unattainable. There are many combinations of products you can use to get the best out of your styles or wash n go’s. As a hair blogger, I have made it my mission to try these many combos over the years.

In May 2015, I decided to sans the chemical relaxers and allowed my natural curls to grow through. It’s one of the best decisions I have made. Writing about my experience with my natural hair journey has helped me keep track of all the ways I have obtained that “perfect” wash ‘n go we seem to be so obsessed with.

With all that trial and error, I have learned that the real perfect wash ‘n go is the one that actually allows you to wash and go. I am talking about showering, washing your hair, and styling it all in one without coming back to it. While this may feel unattainable to some, I promise all of my beautiful curly and kinky-haired peeps can achieve an actual wash n go. 

So how do you obtain this one size fits all kind of wash day? 

You do it all in the shower. Now I know that some of my climate-conscious friends are going to slide in the comments. Before you say anything, at any point you are not using the water, it should be off. Everyone should do this so as not to be wasteful, of course. 

I tend to be very strict in my hair routine, so I usually don’t have a hard time detangling. However, if you don’t stick to a hair care regimen, you may find it hard to finish your wash and style day in one area. I advise detangling before hopping in the shower, so you aren’t spending so much time tussling with your hair. 

After shampooing, go in with either a leave-in or a deep conditioner. If this is going to be a real wash and go, I say skip the deep conditioner. You don’t actually need to deep condition every time you wash your hair. This is one of many unpopular opinions I have shared with you all before

Once you have a leave-in on, then slap some gel on soaking wet hair. Or if you are doing a cream apply it to your wet hair. You would then wrap your hair in a towel or a clip and move forward with your body care routine.

 In turn, I want to share some of the products I use or have used to get a real wash and go. 

Kinky-Curly Original Curling Custard 

Curls Blueberry Bliss Curl Control Jelly

Mielle Pomegranate & Honey Coil Sculpting Custard

Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker

Miche BOUNCE Curl Defining Cream

Carol’s Daughter Coco Creme Coil Enhancing Moisture Butter 

Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic Curl Stimulator 

There you have it. You have the tools to create the best wash n go combo. And who would’ve thought all you needed to do was have your hair dripping wet? 

As always there is never any pressure to purchase items you don’t have. If you have a styler that works for you and is not on this list, that’s the best option for you. ;)


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