7 Items To Purge From Your Hair Collection

gold Pantene hair shampoo laying on a chocolate brown silk sheet

Photo by Milad Shams on Unsplash

Keeping around products that are old or that you don't use is not only a waste of space but also money. As a recovering shopaholic, I know what it is like to want to try every hair product out there. But there are only 12 months in a year, and there is only so much time you have to use a product before it expires. I get it, though. We are all victims of overconsumption, especially in the beauty realm. However, there are ways you can cut down on your stash. If you're looking to cut down on your hair product collection, here are 7 items that you can get rid of:

1. Outdated styling products. If you're still holding onto that can of hairspray from the 80s, it's time to let it go. Products lose efficacy over time, so holding onto old styling products wastes space.

2. Products you never use. We all have that one product we bought on a whim but never actually used. If it's been collecting dust on your shelf for months, it's time to get rid of it. And by getting rid of it, I mean donate or give to a friend.

3. Duplicates. If you have two identical products, chances are you're only using one of them. Get rid of the duplicate and free up some space in your hair product collection. You can give the extra to a friend or sibling or donate it.

4. Empty bottles. Why are you still holding onto that empty bottle of conditioner? Once a product is used up, there's no reason to keep the empty container. Recycle it or repurpose it.

5. Out-of-date color products. Hair color products have a shelf life, so if you're holding onto an old box of hair color, it's time to let it go. The same goes for peroxide and other hair-lightening products.

6. Products that don't work for you. Just because a product works for your friend doesn't mean it will work for you. If you've tried a product that doesn't work for you, donate it.

7. Damaged products. If a product is cracked, melted, or otherwise damaged, it's time to get rid of it. Damaged products can harm your hair, so it's best to get rid of them.

Getting rid of something you were hooked on trying is hard, but being realistic about what you will actually use will help you save space and money. Remember that while purging your hair collection, keep the environment in mind. Always recycle, repurpose, or donate your items. Not only do I thank you, but mother earth will too.


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