50 Unpopular Opinions about Natural Hair

Black person tucking kinky curly hair behind ear. Wearing  v neck heather grey dress with gold hoop earrings. Sheer red lip gloss on their lips.

One of the best things about being human is that our thoughts and opinions get to evolve. I’m someone who is always seeking to improve in all areas of my life. So with that said, you may find that I have done some of these things in this post. Yes. But I’m pretty clear and honest about it. So, if you are ready to read this list of unpopular opinions move forward at your own risk ⚠️

  1. Sulfates aren’t that bad. I use shampoos with sulfates to clarify my hair 😁

  2. Co-washing is pointless. You know how I feel about co-washes. All you’re doing is rubbing conditioner on your scalp.

  3. Low Porosity hair needs protein. All hair needs a balance of protein and moisture regardless of your porosity type.

  4. You’re not doing the Wash ‘N Go right. A wash ‘n go is when you wash your hair and style in one sitting. And then literally GO.

  5. Thermal products only coat your hair, but they do not prevent heat damage.

  6. You can AND should wear your hair to professional and fancy events. It comes out of your head it already fits the occasion.

  7. Ponytails and puffs aren’t just for children. You can wear them in your hair too. There shouldn’t be an age associated with a hairstyle, because this then leads to people claiming little Black girls are “trying to be grown” or “fast” when they wear styles others might perceive as “grown”. Let people live.

  8. It is perfectly okay to be picky with who touches your hair. Having a bad experience with a hairstylist can leave a lasting impression. Don’t let anyone guilt-tripyou or try to shame you into taking a step you aren’t ready for. If you find a stylist who is professional and can be sensitive to your needs try them out.

  9. Gels should have a stronghold. What is the point of me using a gel if it’s going to be light? I didn’t come here for this! 😭

  10. You should probably be washing your hair twice a week. I only do it once cause I’m lazy, but that doesn’t mean I’m doing it right lol

  11. If you use oils in your hair then you should be using sulfate shampoos to remove the oil :)

  12. Everyone’s hair has the potential to grow long! Yes, genetics is a huge factor in how fast your hair grows. Even someone who doesn’t take care of their hair will experience a plateau in hair growth. As long as you care for your hair it can grow.

  13. Looser curls don’t always equal damage. Depending on how your hair grows and your hair type, your curls can get heavier and therefore appear “looser” due to gravity.

  14. The hair typing system is inaccurate and isn’t important when it comes to taking care of your hair. It’s a nice guide to certain products, but it’s not the only map. If you threw it out and never followed it again I guarantee you wouldn’t miss it. 

  15. The hair grease your mom used on your hair worked for a reason. Need I say more?

  16. You don’t ALWAYS have to define your curls. You can let them chill and they will be just as beautiful. Yes, yes I know the “queen of the definition” has spoken! 😂

  17. Your hair doesn’t need to be soft or smooth to be considered moisturized. Because chemistry lol and the products you put on your hair coat your hair strands to give the “feeling” of moisture and softness. This doesn’t mean that your hair is moisturized.

  18. There is no such thing as good or bad hair. Your hair grows out of your head, it should be good enough for you.

  19. You have something someone else is jealous of. This can apply to anything, but I am talking about your hair specifically. Someone else is admiring your volume, or your hair length, or your curl type. The point is you don’t need to be jealous of what someone else has.

  20. Different products will work at different times in your hair journey. The same products I used on my transitioning hair don’t work on my hair now. That’s okay, I just tried something new. So can you.

  21. You don’t have to have long hair to have a successful hair journey. If you like your hair short, or you like your TWA, or you like your hair mid-length that’s YOUR prerogative. Your journey is just as valid as the girl whose hair is waist length.

  22. Food does not belong in your hair. Stop making avocado egg masks chile, please!

  23. Pre-pooing isn’t necessary. I have tried it and it was great when I was transitioning. But it doesn’t do anything besides make my wash day unnecessarily longer.

  24. Detangling your hair before you shampoo will cut your wash day by 20-30 minutes. You’re welcome 😉

  25. You don’t need 15 products to do your hair. I know, it’s me the product junkie. But I’m recovering okay?! And I know you can have 5 products or less and have healthy thriving hair.

  26. You don’t need to lay your edges, but it’s okay if you do. Whatever makes you happy 😆

  27. If you want to straighten your natural hair, that’s perfectly okay. What’s never okay is lying about it not being damaged. Excessive heat can cause damage so if you are okay with that, then live your life. Just be honest about it ❤️

  28. Doing styles on blown out or stretched hair is easier. Especially if it’s a Flexi rod set.

  29. There’s a difference between density and strand width. Learn it. Live it. Breathe it.

  30. Cheap products don’t always equal bad quality. The only way I can justify spending a ton on natural hair products is if it’s coming from a sustainable company where the employees are all paid fair wages.

  31. Just because it says it’s vegan, doesn’t mean it is. You’ll need to do your research to determine what’s vegan and what isn’t. I’m pretty sure it has to be certified for it to be vegan though.

  32. You can have multiple curl patterns in your hair. I know, as if we don’t struggle enough 🙄

  33. If you are a hairstylist and discriminate against kinkier textures then you need your license revoked. Sorry, not sorry!

  34. Shampooing SHOULD be included in a styling service. If it’s not then the price should be lower. If you can’t tell by reading the website what’s included in the service *I* think that’s a red flag 🚩

  35. You should be applying gel on wet hair. I mean wet, wet, not damp. I was guilty of not doing this shhh, don’t tell nobody 😭

  36. Black men can have long hair and should embrace their natural too.

  37. Your bonnet can cause your edges to thin. Give your hair a break by just sleeping on a satin pillowcase every once in a while.

  38. Brands cater to what’s popular in the Natural Hair Community, not to what’s best for natural hair. That’s why you’ll see collections with hella products that you don’t need. Marketing 101.

  39. Hair is political. I don’t think I need to explain this further.

  40. Growth vitamins don’t work unless you are deficient in them. If you are biotin deficient (for example), then yes you will see drastic changes to your hair and nails.

  41. Locs are a great option, but it doesn’t mean they are less work. Most people I know who have locs spend less $$ on products though. Just sayin’

  42. Tight protective styles are harmful to your scalp. It can deter hair growth and then your hair at the root. Please be more mindful of how tight your styles are, and speak up to your stylists if they are doing these styles too tight.

  43. Deep Conditioner doesn’t need to sit in your hair for hours. I promise you can follow the directions and it will work just as well. Yes, I used to leave my DC in for hours but I know better now lol

  44. Most small businesses are the best option if you are trying to incorporate more sustainable practices in your life.  Small businesses don’t typically mass produce products. And usually use quality ingredients. This isn’t true for all, of course, so do your research.

  45. It doesn’t take super long to do your hair. If you follow a routine, your hair is most likely used to that, therefore, cutting down the time it takes to do your hair. Yes, even if your hair is 4c.

  46. Everyone is too obsessed with length. Length isn’t everything and the sooner we all come to terms with it the happier we will be. If your hair happiness is attached to your hair length you are going to have a sad life.

  47. Not enough people are invested in scalp care. There are exfoliating scalp care products, but you can exfoliate your scalp at home with your fingertips. Clarifying, the right way is part of scalp care too. 

  48. A lot of natural hair experts are learning new things. So the information is constantly changing on how to properly take care of your hair. If the people you are following aren’t learning new things you should unfollow them 😌

  49. You can cut your hair without blowing it out or straightening it. I do, but you can do it without using heat. Promise.

  50. It’s okay to not want to be natural anymore. If you tried it out and it wasn’t your wave that’s fine. If you just like relaxers that’s fine. It’s your life and I can mind my business. 🙃

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