3 Tips for Better Skin

After years of dealing with oily acne-prone skin, I have learned a few things about how to get the skin you can be proud of. All skin, no matter how many pores, how many scars or bumps, is beautiful. I think that is important to remember. For us to see any change, we have to love what we have first. Once we love what we have, then comes what we have always wanted.

My condition is not the worst, but it used to affect my confidence. Having skin that looked the opposite of those models on the magazine really took a toll on me. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized those who appear to have perfect skin don’t.

Whether it be through the magic of editing or the robust quality of your camera, skin is far from perfect. The skin has pores, skin scars, skin gets dry or dehydrated, and skin definitely goes through phases.

People who menstruate probably recognized this from a young age. Our skin can be affected by a multitude of elements. But that doesn’t make it any less beautiful, no matter how frustrating it can be. I want to share with you three things that have significantly changed the way my skin appears.

I want to note that this doesn’t mean she acts right 24/7. But I have gotten a routine where she doesn’t get as bad even on my hormonal days. So without further ado, here are three tips for better skin!


I am not a nutritionist, but I have taken enough classes to know that most of our nutrients come from our food. In addition to your fruits and veggies, you should ensure you aren’t deficient in any vitamins. If you are, then you should probably be taking supplements to help you get your life! Or, if the deficiency is severe, your doctor might recommend shots to get you out of the danger zone.

If you're not eating a balanced diet, that will reflect on your skin also. I’m pretty good about having my vegetables daily and drinking tons of water. I recommend incorporating your required dose of vegetables in a smoothie if you have difficulty getting them on your plate.

Disclaimer: it is enough to just feed your body when it is hungry. Do not feel like you need fresh fruits and veggies to get your fill. If you can only afford canned foods, those will do just as well. 

Inconsistent Exercise Routine

I’ve learned from the first-hand experience that working out can heavily affect your skin. If you are starting and often stopping, that could be contributing to acne, especially if you suffer from severe hormonal acne. I’m no expert, so I can only speak from my own experiences.

Having a set routine can help level out how much your skin goes bonkers when you exercise. I’ve got my way down to 2-3 times a week, and that has been working for me. If you are just starting out with exercising, then I recommend starting small. Maybe try once a week and make a commitment to yourself to go on more walks so that way you’re still moving.

Wash Your Face

I know some people say you don’t need to wash your face twice a day, but if you are exercising, wearing sunscreen, or even spending time outside, you should be washing your face regularly. Have you ever heard the phrase, “don’t take the day with you to bed?” Well, this applies.

Don’t take the sweat, grime, and dirt from the day and put it on your pillows. And if you work out in the mornings, you should definitely be washing your face afterward. Did you see my previous note? Do you want to add to your skincare troubles? No? Okay, wash your face, boo. ;)

Skincare is a journey. This process can be frustrating, but I don’t want you to think that clear skin is the norm we should aspire to. Not everyone is going to have clear skin.

I do everything I am supposed to do, and I still have dark marks. I still get acne. The important thing is to know that this is normal and that your skin may not be like this forever.

What skincare tips do you have?

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