The Best Book to Movie Adaptations

Bri holding the dvd and book to the perks of being a wallflower

I am an avid book lover. If this is not your first time here you know this. If this is your first time here, welcome. Books and movies are my two loves. They open up a world of imagination and storytelling that I grew to imitate writing stories of my own. You'd be surprised how many of your favorite films are adaptations from books or short stories you didn't know about. Books will always be best, but there are a few movies that take the cake compared to the text. So without further or do here is a list of my favorite book to movie adaptations.

  • The Notebook

I'm a fan of a good Nicholas Sparks novel just like the next person. This was the first Nicholas Sparks novel I had ever read, and I had watched the film first. So reading the book knowing what I knew about the movie made it even more of a curious reading experience. One of my favorite scenes from the film was absent in the book. "If you're a bird I'm a bird."

  • The Great Gatsby

This novel gets a lot of praise especially from every English major I've ever met. Being an English major myself I can tell you I did not enjoy the book very much. I did, however, gain a new appreciation for the book after watching the film. The music, the visuals, and the acting really brought this infamous story to life and even inspired me to read it again.

  • The Fault in Our Stars

Both the book and the movie were extraordinary and managed to tug on my heartstrings just like I'm sure it did for those of you who've read and seen it. Obviously, I enjoyed the book more as it is much more detailed. But the actors in the film really brought the story to life and made me feel every aspect of heart jarring sadness I felt reading the novel.

  • Gone Girl

The book started rather slow and the dynamic of the film is what made me want to read it. The novel didn't really start getting interesting until halfway through, but it was still a good read. However, I enjoyed the movie way more.

  • The Perks of Being A Wallflower

This film followed the book to a T for obvious reasons being that the author was the one directing it. The book is definitely better in a different kind of dynamic. The film did have a lasting effect though and the music brought it to life.

Do you agree with my list? If you do or if you don't let me know in the comments below. Feel free to add your own list as well I'd love to know. If you get inspired by this post to create your own post of your favs tag me!


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