Three Tips to Take the Stress Out of Cleaning

woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans standing in front of window cleaning with a yellow sponge while wearing mask and googles

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I've learned a few cleaning tricks as someone who values a clean environment. Working full-time and doing side jobs can be extremely taxing. Learning how to clean without feeling overwhelmed will benefit you, just as it has benefited me. Even though I don't live alone, I still get overwhelmed when it comes to cleaning the entire house by myself.

Cleaning does not have to be a chore or consume the majority of your time. It doesn't even need to take up your entire weekend. I have some cleaning tips that will help you keep your space tidy without stress.

How to Split Your Duties

One trick is to divide your goals into categories or days. This relieves some of the stress associated with cleaning. If you live in a large house where other people contribute to the mess, this is an excellent strategy.


Monday: clean bathrooms

Tuesday: do laundry

Wednesday: dust and vacuum

Thursday: sweep and mop

You can apply the same logic to organization. If you need to organize your bookshelf or pantry, you can do so day by day. This way, you allow yourself time to do other things while also completing various tasks.

How to Avoid Mail Clutter

Addressing mail as you take it out of the mailbox is a great way to keep it from piling up. I struggle with this because I don't always want to be bothered. I've switched to electronic letters and statements for the majority of my services, but some are unavoidable. I'm still getting offer letters from companies that run a soft credit check on me in order to trick me into taking out a loan or opening a new credit card.

You can decide whether to toss or file your mail by opening it as soon as you receive it. Don't let the allure of "saving it for later" persuade you to let your mail pile up. Face it now, so you don't have to deal with it later.

How to Keep the Kitchen Clean

You know how you can be cooking dinner and then turn around to see a large pile of dishes in the sink? Yes, I've been there and done that. Cleaning as you go is the best way to keep your kitchen clean at all times. I've saved a lot of time and stress by doing the dishes as I go during meal prep.

If you have a dishwasher, unload it first thing in the morning so that everyone can load it throughout the day. At the end of the night, all you have to do is press the start button. It's as simple as pie! 

Keeping your space clean is a real chore, but hopefully these suggestions will assist you. Cleaning does not have to be such a daunting task. You can cross those tasks off your to-do list without feeling stressed. By following a regular cleaning routine, you can maintain a clean and organized space effortlessly. Moreover, you can involve your family members in the cleaning process to make it more fun and less burdensome. Do you have any tips and tricks to share? Let us know in the comments.



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