The Worst Haircare Mistakes I’ve Made

My hair and I have been well acquainted for obvious reasons, but you would be surprised at how many people feel uncomfortable with doing their own hair. I grew up getting burned by the hot comb, experiencing burns from chemical straighteners, and going through the inevitable realization that I have naturally curly hair. This is the story for most black girls and if you can relate then comment below. I have quite the discography when it comes to doing my own hair. In fact, I should have a cosmetology license by now tbh.

Growing up doing my own hair I had to learn there were things that I could and could not do to it. Laziness really affects how you interact with your hair and emotion plays a huge part in your journey as well. On May 9th of 2015, I had decided to no longer chemically straighten my hair and to transition to my natural curls. Throughout my lifetime I have made some serious mistakes when it came to my hair. So here I am to share these mistakes in the hope you can avoid these yourself or help you realize you may have made these mistakes too.


I had a terrible habit of comparing my hair to others growing up. As a young girl, I’ve always had long hair. Everyone would tell me how much they loved my hair and how they wanted it. When my hair started breaking off I began to feel insecure and like I wouldn’t be pretty without my long hair. When I decided to stop chemically straightening my hair I instead compared what my curls would look like to others. There was so much about the natural curls that I didn’t understand and I would look to others and copy their routines thinking my curls would turn out just like theirs. That was obviously false as there is a variant of factors that play into your hair type. Genetics is one of them. You can’t alter your curl pattern unless you’re constantly using heat or chemicals. The best thing I did for my hair health was to stop comparing my curls to others. Once I accepted that these curls were mine I felt more comfortable learning about them and I acquired skills and tips that actually work for my hair because I wasn’t trying to chase a hair type that wasn't mine.

Not Detangling Properly

When I first started out I wasn’t detangling correctly. I used a comb and wasn’t very gentle with my hair. It was mostly due to the fact that I wasn't taking my time with my hair. Detangling with hair tools can be fine as long as you’re not using them every time you detangle your hair. Patience is best when detangling. If your hair is often curled up on each other you might need to detangle more often to prevent a lot of shedding and breakage. I struggle with fairy knots so I have a specific routine that I use to combat them. To see a detailed video on how to detangle check out my YouTube here. I enjoy using a comb or detangling brush as much as the next curly girl. Not only is it faster but more convenient, but it can be detrimental to your hair if that's the ONLY thing you use to get tangles out of your hair. I have noticed a huge difference in how my hair was when I would only finger detangle versus using hair tools to detangle every time. Not only does detangling with hair tools cause more frizz, but it also causes more breakage. You may have noticed that your curls aren't as poppin' as they were before and I can guarantee you if you are using hair tools to detangle that is definitely one of the reasons why.

Lack of routine

Not having a routine can be the most detrimental thing you can do to your hair. A routine not only trains your hair but also ensures it’s getting the TLC it needs. Without a solid routine, you can’t make sure your hair is staying clean, detangled, and moisturized. Not detangling your hair regularly makes it harder to manage your hair. Having a trim routine helps your hair stay healthy and prevents fairy knots. I used to just do my hair when I felt like it which tbh is not a good idea since I’m prone to procrastination. I noticed my hair became the healthiest and longest when I followed a set routine for my haircare.

We have all made mistakes when it’s come to haircare. Whether you’re still getting relaxers or you’ve decided to join the natural hair community, taking care of your hair is very important. Have you made any of these mistakes?


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