Top Three Reasons Your Hair is Dry

Dry hair can come from a multitude of things, but what’s most annoying is when you’ve used moisturizing products but your hair still comes out dry. UGH! I have been exactly where you are. This wasn’t my first time having to combat dry hair and I am happy to share with you what I did to get my hair back to its bouncy moisturized self. First, I’m going to go into why you’re hair might be so dry in the first place.

Product Selection

The combination of products you’re using and HOW you’re using them can be why your hair is still dry. Even after going through all that hard work of washing and deep conditioning only to have your hair be dry to the touch. Improper order like using oil before a butter can be one of the biggest reasons your hair is still dry. 

You want to make sure that you are applying all of your creams before your oil because oil is meant to be a sealant. This also depends on the type of oil you’re using. Knowing if your hair is high or low porosity can assist you in making sure you are using the right products to moisturize your hair. If you have low porosity hair, I recommend using an oil last.

Another thing I want to mention is to look at the ingredients. If you are using a lot of products that contain protein you aren’t using a balanced amount of product to keep your hair moisturized. Most products start with the ingredient water these days so you will need to read the whole list to check to see if it mentions ingredients like keratin or hydrolyzed wheat protein. 

If you realize you have been using too much protein on your hair then it's time to put the protein down. SLOWLY. You need to start incorporating more moisturizing products into your hair care regimen. You should only need to do this for a couple of weeks or a month before you notice a difference. I am not saying to never use protein again, but I am saying to make sure that when you start adding protein back into your hair routine that it is balanced with the moisturizing products you choose.

Not Shampooing Properly

Let’s be honest we have all rushed through shampooing our hair. It can be an exhausting task, especially if your hair is too long to just wash in the kitchen sink. But by not properly shampooing your hair you aren’t clearing out all of the gunk and grime that’s built up throughout the week. 

If you are rushing through the cleansing step this may be why your hair is still dry after styling. No amount of water is going to help you, sis, you need to wash your hair again. The idea of a clarifying shampoo can be horrifying. But it’s imperative to use one to cleanse your hair. Clean hair allows the products you apply to penetrate your hair shaft. 

Hair Cycle

Our hair goes through a cycle just like our skin and if you have been suffering from dry strands for months there’s no way you’re going to cure it in one wash. It’s going to take time for your hair to bounce back. So make sure you are following a routine that can ensure that your hair will be on the fast track to health. 

Using protein and moisturizing treatments interchangeably can help strengthen the new hair growing in and protect the hair on your ends. Be patient. I know you want bouncy soft curls, but everything takes time, and if you want to make sure your hair gets healthy and stays that way you are going to need to be patient with it.

“What did you do?”

I brought it back to the basics. Using a bunch of products every other week can affect your hair since you aren’t giving it time to get used to the product you’re using. I brought it back to a simple routine that I used back when I was transitioning. I used only five products for a month and by mid-May, I saw my hair bounce back. 

I follow a set routine. I wash my hair once a week and use clarifying shampoo twice a month. Every time I wash my hair I deep condition. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I alternate with a protein and moisturizing deep conditioner to keep my hair balanced. With patience and being gentle with my hair I was able to see my hair bounce back within a couple of months.

Take the time to learn your hair and figure out what’s working. Take note of the ingredients in products that don’t work for you vs the ones that do. You’ll be able to tell right away if a product is going to give you a good result. So tell me, did I miss anything on this list? What do you do to combat dry hair?

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed cosmetologist nor do I have a hair license. I have experience in doing my hair since I was 14 years old. Conducting my research has made me knowledgeable about hair and how it works.


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