Ten TV Show Deaths I'll Never Get Over


"Goodbye, our favorite characters. We'll miss you."

As a fan of TV shows, I've been through quite a few goodbyes. Characters I've grown to love have been killed off all too often in recent years. While it can make for an exciting show, sometimes the death is just too much for me to handle. Here are ten TV deaths that I'll never get over.

1) The Vampire Diaries: Jeremy Gilbert

I literally cried for this one; my eyes were balling all the way into the next episode! Honestly, I was in denial, along with Elena. I mean, how could Jer be dead? I guess it wouldn't be the first time, right?

Died: Season 4, Episode Down the Rabbit Hole

2) Grey's Anatomy: Mark Sloan

I had so much hope that he would make it. And I prepared myself for his death, but the flashbacks of his life are what really got me. And yes, I'm aware he's a fictional character, but come on! Tell me you didn't love him! Go on!

Died: Season 9, Episode Going, Going, Gone

3) Grey's Anatomy: Lexie Grey

I never really liked Lexie because of Mark (I know, hahaha). I was still sad when she died. I have a sister, and I can't imagine losing her, so it got me in the heart!

Died: Season 8, Episode Flight

4) Degrassi The Next Generation: J.T. Yorke

This death was dramatic, yes, but J.T. was a funny guy! I'm sad he died because I expected him to attend prom and college alongside Liberty as her boyfriend and one day fiance.

Died: Season 6, Episode Rock This Town

5) The Originals: Hayley Marshall

I had no idea Hayley would come back to life as a hybrid! And while her death was tragic, it was more of a shocker that she woke up again. The way she died is why I'll never get over this one. Barely a glance at that beautiful little baby, and BOOM! Dead.

Died: Season 1, Episode From a Cradle to a Grave

6) Scandal: James Novak

James wasn't the main character, but I enjoyed every scene he was in. He was funny, passionate, and really energetic. His death was one I saw coming, but it didn't stop my heart from skipping a couple of beats.

Died: Season 3, Episode Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

7) How to Get Away with Murder: Rebecca Sutter

I was indifferent about Rebecca at first. She didn't really make an impact on me, especially since she was super rude to Wes. But she grew on me, and I was kind of shocked she wouldn't be in season 2!

Died: Season 1, Episode It's All My Fault

8) The Walking Dead: Beth Greene

This one was probably the most hurtful. She had been on her way to be reunited with her sister, Maggie, and in just that moment, we all feel like she's made it. We let out our breath, and then she's shot dead. I am in awe at how the writer of The Walking Dead can make me feel so relieved and sad all in ten seconds. Beth was going somewhere, and there seemed to be something between her and Daryl. I think that the promise of a future being shattered in an instant is what got me.

Died: Season 5, Episode Coda

9) Teen Wolf: Allison Argent

Her death was cheesy and dramatic, but that's the show! It doesn't mean that it didn't hurt less. I didn't love Allison, but I did love what she represented: a strong female. Teen Wolf is full of them, and although sometimes the show can get cheesy, and questionable it never failed at showing the strength of all women in the front!

Died: Season 3, Episode Insatiable

10) Game of Thrones: Jon Snow

Of course, I listened to my friend tell me what happens in the books, but he left out this part. So when Jon lay on the ground dying, I was at a total loss for words. Death comes so quickly in this show, and they've made it pretty clear even the main characters aren't safe from it. Although I did think he'd come back as a white walker since he seemed to be having interactions with them up to that point. He died, and then he rose again. #KnowsNothing #StillAlive

Died: Season 5, Episode Mother's Mercy

The death of a beloved character can be truly devastating, and the characters on this list have experienced that firsthand. Whether it is Mark Sloan from Grey's Anatomy, Allison Argent from Teen Wolf, or Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, each one has faced tragedy in their own way. Despite these losses, however, these characters have endured and will continue to inspire fans for years to come. So the next time you find yourself mourning a lost character, remember that there is always hope for their return or new characters yet to be discovered. And in the meantime, keep on watching and supporting your favorite shows!


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