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Before I Die....

There’s a chalk mural in Over The Rhine, Ohio, where people who visit the spot can write what they want to do before they die. There were silly things that said: before I die, I want to do crap. But there were some pretty inspiring things on there, too; it is so important to have goals or a checklist that brings you one step closer to where you want to be or who you want to be. While I do think that you should strive to cross off everything on your list, it is okay if you don't. Creating one is to see all the things you want to do and what you can do. The point is to accomplish as many tasks or goals on your list as you can. So I thought I would share a list of things I want to do before I die.

Before I die I want to...

  • Gamble in Las Vegas

  • Spend a vacation in Miami, FL

  • Learn to swim

  • Be a tourist in Brooklyn, NY

  • Become fluent in at least three languages

  • Re-vamp my wardrobe

  • Own a pair of red bottom Christian Louboutins

  • Publish a short story in a literary magazine

  • Travel through Europe

  • Own a gold necklace

  • Visit Texas

  • Go skydiving

  • Go snorkeling

  • Vacation in Hawaii

  • Regain my flexibility

  • Publish a novel

  • Try spoken word poetry

  • Read the Complete Collected Poems by Maya Angelou

  • Have a room in my apartment/house dedicated to my books

  • Audition for a role in a movie or tv show

  • Learn how to edit videos

  • Own a Polaroid camera

  • Live in New York City

  • Become a Best-Selling author

  • Get a tattoo

  • Get a nose piercing

  • Work as a writer in a magazine for women

  • See the National Museum of African American History & Culture

  • Raise a husky

  • Live to see Frostbite (from the Vampire Academy franchise) become a movie

  • Go to Graduate School

  • Party in ATL

  • Pay off my student loans

  • Travel through Africa

  • Teach English in another country

  • Fly first class

  • Attend a Rihanna concert as VIP

  • Buy my own car, preferably a BMW

  • Tour New Orleans

  • See racism and other discriminatory practices end

  • Be the change I wish to see in the world

Before you die, what do you want to do?


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